.. _installing: Installation ============ Full installation instructions are available after accepting appropriate license for your use case. For academic use, please see the `majiq download page`_. For commercial use, you will need to contact us, please refer to `majiq commercial`_. Required dependencies --------------------- MAJIQ and VOILA are best supported with a Linux-based operating system. However, they have also successfully been tested/used these tools on MacOS and Windows. MAJIQ requires for installation: - Python (3.8 or later) - setuptools (45 or later) - HTSlib_ (1.10 or later) - C++ compiler with C++11 support (e.g. gcc >= 4.8.1) In general, before starting, you should have python3.8_ installed, with both **python** and the included **pip** package installation tool. HTSlib installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAJIQ's depends on HTSlib_ (1.10 or later) in order to efficiently parse BAM files from RNA-seq experiments. If you are have admin rights, you can install system-wide with package managers on Linux: .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash - debian-based: :bash:`apt install libhts-dev`, - rpm-based: :bash:`yum install htslib-devel`. Otherwise, you can install HTSlib_ from source. For example, to install htslib-1.13 to ``~/install/htslib-1.13``, you could run: .. code-block:: bash # download htslib 1.13 archive to current directory curl -OL https://github.com/samtools/htslib/releases/download/1.13/htslib-1.13.tar.bz2 tar -xf htslib-1.13.tar.bz2 # extract archive cd htslib-1.13 # change into htslib source directory # configure, make, and install htslib to ~/install/htslib-1.13 ./configure --prefix=$HOME/install/htslib-1.13 make make install See ``INSTALL`` from the HTSlib_ sources for detailed instructions. MAJIQ installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If HTSlib was not installed to the default system-wide location, MAJIQ installers need to know where it was installed. This is done by setting the environment variables ``HTSLIB_LIBRARY_DIR`` and ``HTSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR``. For example, with previous instructions, from the same directory as the README: .. code-block:: bash # change to where library/include directories are installed export HTSLIB_LIBRARY_DIR=$HOME/install/htslib-1.13/lib export HTSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=$HOME/install/htslib-1.13/include Afterwards, install MAJIQ following the full instructions available after accepting the license agreement (e.g., :bash:`pip install `). .. _python3.8: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-380/ .. _HTSlib: http://www.htslib.org/download/ .. _majiq download page: https://majiq.biociphers.org/app_download/ .. _majiq commercial: https://majiq.biociphers.org/commercial.php