Output ====== In the /output/directory/ (specific by -d), the following files are generated: `summary.tsv <#j38ua9j50u8t>`__ `cassette.tsv <#drha9ovjrh8z>`__ `tandem_cassette.tsv <#kix.i0mwd5sviwug>`__ `alt5prime.tsv <#fh6j3l4uswjd>`__ `alt3prime.tsv <#fh6j3l4uswjd>`__ `alt3and5prime.tsv <#fh6j3l4uswjd>`__ `alternate_first_exon.tsv <#y8aupght5kkv>`__ `alternate_last_exon.tsv <#y8aupght5kkv>`__ `p_alt5prime.tsv <#p4kscqdsxln2>`__ `p_alt3prime.tsv <#p4kscqdsxln2>`__ `mutually_exclusive.tsv <#ut40m3st4e53>`__ `alternative_intron.tsv <#alternative-intron>`__ `exitron.tsv <#q6hx5sn47zjf>`__ `other.tsv <#other>`__ constitutive.tsv (optional: see --keep-constitutive and --show-all-modules) `p_multi_gene_region.tsv <#i8llr21goq02>`__ (optional: see --multi-gene-regions) For most users, we think the most important file is the summary file. Each row in the file corresponds to a `Module <#splicegraph-modules>`__, and the columns are as follows: 1. Module: _ 2. Gene ID 3. Gene Name 4. Chr 5. Strand 6. LSV ID(s): 7. Cassette: 8. Tandem Cassette: 9. Alt 3: 10. Alt 5: 11. P_Alt 3: 12. P_Alt 5: 13. Alt 3 and Alt 5: 14. MXE: 15. Alternative Intron: 16. ALE: 17. AFE: 18. P_ALE: 19. P_AFE: 20. Orphan Junction: 21. Constitutive Junction: (Optional: see `--keep-constitutive <#bieyaxqd0clv>`__) 22. Constitutive Intron: (Optional: see `--keep-constitutive <#bieyaxqd0clv>`__) 23. Multi Exon Spanning: 24. Exitron: 25. Complex: .. *Complex=False only if modules are comprised of a single event, OR meet specific* *criteria such as: (1) only comprised of 1 Intron Retention and 1 P_Alt 5/3, or (2) only* *comprised of 1 Tandem Cassette, 1 Multi Exon Spanning, and any number of* *Constitutive Junctions* 26. Number of Events .. *Sum of the event across this module.* 27. Collapsed Event Name *Summarizes the types and counts of events in this module.* *Tip: You can use Excel Pivot Table (Fields: ‘Module ID’ and ‘Collapsed Event Name’,* *Rows: Collapsed Event Name, Values: Count of Module ID) to tabulate of all the* *different types of modules in the summary.tsv file.*