Majiq and Voila command builder
Even with our documentation, it may be tedious to construct the applicable commands and config file required to run majiq and voila manually. In order to help you get started with some basic use cases, we provide this quick-to-use interactive tool to help you create the appropriate sequence of commands for your use case.
% of experiments
*Note: The default is set to be relatively conservative, specifically
over 1/2
of the samples in a group should have it as quantifiable. Consider changing
it if you
want to capture more LSV, for example when coverage is low or when you
expect only a
subset of the samples to contain the LSV (e.g. disease subtype). However,
keep in mind
that lowering that threshold may also introduce more "noise" (e.g.
junctions/LSVs) into your downstream analysis.
Error: group names should only contain alphanumeric and underscore ("_")
You may consider using the following type of algorithm to automatically
clean your
group names if needed. (Python3)
import re def clean_group_name(x): x = re.sub(r"[()`\[\]{}\"'<>]", "", x) x = re.sub(r"[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "_", x) return x clean_group_name("«insert your name here»")
** Additional optional arguments are available; please consult the MAJIQ documentation